
PROJECT AURORA, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, gives you wonderful opportunities to put your faith and moral beliefs into action by offering your skills, talents, and gifts for the support of PROJECT AURORA’S purpose of bringing a Dignity Based Youth and Family Servicesorganization to the mid and southern regions of Oregon.


•  Design Artist: posters, brochures, promotional material.
•  Media Watch and liaison: Press releases, report to programs with pertinent newsbreaks.
•  Event Coordinator: orchestrating events, delegating and training event volunteers.
•  U of O, LCC, high school liaisons: make connections, distribute literature, plan student events
•  Development Director: organize creative fund raisers, plan large annual event
•  Bookkeeper: minimal record keeping on Quickbooks or comparable program
•  Office work: assisting one or both programs
•  Evaluator: Using standard methods, evaluate aspects of our organization and programs
•  Researcher: internet, archives, libraries, phone, etc. Maintaining a filing system with results
•  Grant writer: work with other Aurora volunteers who have pieces to offer in applying for grants
•  Legal counsel: for maintaining a public benefit non-profit organization
•  Liaison and networker with: fraternal and charitable groups, parishes, and businesses
•  Background help with Rachel’s Vineyard retreats: cooking, kitchen help, set up, clean up, loading supplies, shopping for supplies
•  Board members: business leaders, bi-lingual, community connections, financial expertise, treasury experience, secretarial skills, advertising, past board memberships, visionaries
•  Advisory board members: medical and mental health professionals, clergy, case workers
•  Financial Donations: for scholarships to a retreat, for sponsoring a Strategies for Success youth event, retreat costs, Costco, Staples, or Fred Meyer gift cards for multi-purposes, operating expenses, such as for annual board insurance, website maintenance,
•  Public Speakers: to speak on behalf of our organization, to speak about our subjects, to recruit volunteers, donors, and community supporters. To persuade and change hearts.

Call Lori at 541-942-2861
Click here to print our volunteer form